29-02-2024 - 29-02-2024

119th birthday of Rotary , celebrated by RCPA with games competition between interact and students of St Andrews Girls School against Anns of our club. Games like musical chairs, tug of war, lemon and spoon race and bursting the balloon was played. Talk on importance of Rotary and its efforts in eradication of polio was shared with the students. Prizes were given in the form of edible chocolate medals were given to the winners. The Anns adorned their Rotary caps . After fun and games snacks and beverages were given to the childrenand staff. Rotary banners were displayed in the school.

Public Image Avenue Details

Start Date 29-02-2024
End Date 29-02-2024
Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 30
Partner Clubs Interac Club St Andrews Girls School
Non Rotary Partners
Category Digital medium-FB/Insta/Youtube/, Electronic medium- radio/theatre advertisement/ cable tv, Physical displays (Hoardings/Bilboards), Rotary Promtion Events